I'll Teach You How I've Made Millions with Education. All Without Ads.

You will get access IMMEDIATELY to the Inner Circle FB group to start asking questions, so I can create the content around EXACTLY what you specifically and uniquely are wanting. 

This is the reason & purpose of the thousands of dollars off from the future full rate. 

I will be teaching you EXACTLY how I have made over $2,000,000 with my education business - without spending money on ads.

That said, you will be a BETA member.

That means that the program material is not built out yet. Your questions will become the lessons, as well as me leading the rest of the coursework build-out and simply notifying you once lessons are completed and uploaded to your student dashboard.

These lessons will be created and published primarily between now and the end of 2024.

Your official start date of your 6 months within the program will begin on January 1st, 2025. You get LIFETIME* access to the program material. If you enroll before then, you simply get longer access for free.

That said, you get access NOW (immediately upon your enrollment).

It will be a $10,000 program in the future.

Right now, your BETA member price is only $6,000 - and the lowest payment plan available is only $550 x 12 months. 

(Again, I am teaching you step-by-step how I made over a TWO MILLION DOLLARS with courses & coaching - without ads. 

Any questions, DM me on Facebook. Otherwise, the basic details are below, as well as the link to ENROLL.



Enroll Now
Payment plans starting as low as only $550

Know exactly what needs to get done to book more of your ideal clients without ads - and get complete clarity, support, and accountability to transform the way you run your business. 

Learn How To Create, Sell, and Scale Your Education Business


Courses, Consulting & Coaching

Pay in full $8000
$6000 beta Member Price

FB Group, Virtual Assistants, Challenges, Webinars, SEO, Social Media, Referrals, Affiliates, A Converting Website, And Strategic Pricing & Sales Workflow  - And MORE

Learn How I've made $2M+ With Courses & Coachingwithout ads

Yep, a LOT of Support

If you are wanting more hand-holding via 1:1 coaching, that is available to you with unlimited amounts at only $500/call. That said, you need to be a part of the mastermind to get access to the availability of these calls. 1:1 coaching is not available outside of the mastermind. The program material is incredibly in-depth, and you will still get access to a LOT of support on the twice-weekly Q&A coaching calls where we can review anything you are working on. That all said, if you really want some more 1:1 attention to dive deep - those are available and you can simply add those on at any time at $500/call.

• 1:1 Custom Coaching Calls (Optional)

Between all of the coaching calls you have access to, you'll also be in the members-only Facebook group  to get even more support. You have questions. We have answers. All in a safe, extremely supportive, drama-free space.

• Mastermind Facebook Group for Support Between Calls

You will be getting access to me, the twice-weekly calls, and the Inner Circle FB group for support for a grand total of 6 months from the first day that you enroll. So (roughly speaking), you will be getting access to a total of 48 coaching calls over your 6 months of support (plus or minus a few due to holidays, guest expert bonus trainings, etc). 

• 6-Months of Mastermind Support & 48 Calls ($10k Value)

As someone who personally isn't typically a fan of group coaching calls, I promise you that "those" group coaching calls aren't these. On these calls, you still get undivided 1:1 attention, mastermind-level support from other incredible educators, and the ability to have that continued handheld support. And whenever you are unable to attend, each call is recorded and uploaded to your student dashboard for viewing at your own time, at your own pace.

• TWICE-WEEKLY Group Q&A Coaching Calls ($10k Value)

Tuesdays @ 830am PACIFIC • Thursdays @ 2:30pm Pacific

In the coursework, you will learn exactly what I have done to build a MILLION DOLLAR education business (single year revenue, not total revenue) - all step-by-step. Time management, mindset, FB group strategy, virtual assistant strategy, scripts, website design, pricing, sales, client communication, systems, automation, relationships, affiliates, social media, podcasting, marketing, SEO, blogging, tools, and way more. It's all in here. And since you get lifetime* access, even after you have formally graduated - you still get access to the coursework (and the upgrades to it) for as long as it exists so that you can go at your own pace. Easy. Simple. Just what you need.

• Online Course With lifetime Access ($20,000+ Value)


Here's all the things that are

FAQs & Answers

Q: What if I don't have a course/program already?

A: That's okay. This will teach you from Step 0 what needs to get done. You're fine. Get started the right way, the fast way, the efficient way, and simply take action.

Q: What if I already have a six-figure education business?

A: Congrats! That's genuinely awesome. Are you wanting to scale it up further? Are you wanting to learn how to optimize any part of it further? Simplify it further? Systemize it further? I can help you, too.

Q: I live outside of the United States. Will this apply to me where I live?

A: Yes, 99% of the program will apply to where you live. The 1% is culture and society-related. There are students in the program from all around the world. There are members from Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, ... you name it. It's worked for them. It can work for you, too.

Q: How long do I get access to the course program & community for support?

A: With lifetime access to the program material, you have access as long as the program exists. During that time, you will have access to all the content. Your coaching support lasts as long as the program you enrolled in.

Q: If I get stuck in a lesson, can I get help?

A: Yes, absolutely! That's what a mastermind is all about. Bring your question to your upcoming call or simply post it in the Inner Circle members group for support. Lots of options exist for you.

Q: Is there a refund policy or guarantee?

A: No. Due to the nature and time involvement in coaching and IP, there are no refunds of any kind. That said, I'm confident you won't want one (based on the results of former clients and students alike). I'm teaching you step-by-step how I've built my million dollar a year business. I'm not concerned about you getting your value out of it. If you are though, don't enroll.

Q: When will the coaching calls take place and what happens if I can't make them all?

A: Every Tuesday at 830am Pacific. Every Thursday at 230pm Pacific. If you cannot attend a call, they are recorded and uploaded to your student dashboard. If you still have a question that day, pop your question in the Inner Circle FB group for support. Easy.

Q: What if I want more 1:1 coaching? Does that exist?

A: It certainly does. You can get UNLIMITED 1:1 coaching simply by purchasing 1:1 coaching after you are in the mastermind. Those calls are currently $500/call, and there are bundle discounts on getting multiple calls booked in. You'd then schedule those calls at any point during your active time in the mastermind. Easy.

How much would you make if you booked even a SINGLE CLIENT
from what you learn?

Enroll NOW

Lets Get started!

See you on the inside!

Click here to enroll