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Don't just take my word for it. 

See what members are saying about the program and the results they are having.

By following the course and becoming involved with the support group I was able to DOUBLE my income within 5 months of starting Kyle’s course! I have spent thousands on workshops and business courses but NOTHING compares to the quality, actual real life methods of improvement that Kyle implements. He is such an incredible teacher, cheerleader & really knows how to make us all successful. I seriously can not thank him enough!! I went from a 40k to 80k income year & still receiving high quality inquiries for my ideal clients.  

Went from $40,000 to $80,000 a year!

Kendra | Boise, ID

Kyle's mentoship has been a game changer! Kyles course has taken my passion for the wedding photography industry and focused it into a money maker! I was able to save time learning how to avoid what doesn’t work, and turn leads into dollars. With Kyle's continued support coupled with the community of members on their own paths, you’ve got this. Kyle's direct approach cuts through all the useless information and gets right to the heart of what you need to know to get your business making money!   

Quit his day job & went full-time!

Wes | Toronto, ON

We started to implement things throughout the course as we were going through each chapter. We ended up booking 7 weddings in January which comparatively to the last year we had 0. Even when incorporating the email templates, we made a few thousand more dollars just by having better follow up emails, talking more about budget, and not being afraid to ask about certain things that are typically 'uncomfortable'. One of the biggest takeaways is the strong reminder that we are a BUSINESS and creating more structure and being more business minded has helped us move forward with something that feels more promising for the future of our business. Love the course and LOVE that we have access to a course that is constantly being developed!

Booked 7 weddings in one month!

Stephanie | Austin, TX

"Kyle's online business course, Elevate, has truly transformed the way I run my business. Prior to taking this course, I had designed my business plan based on what I had learned in graduate school in my business classes. After the initial consultation with Kyle, I had a far better understanding of the direction I needed to go than I ever could have learned in grad school. His comprehensive analysis of my current business situation, along with my goals, immediately let me know what I could improve on. Leads started coming in literally the next day. Next, by goal setting and reverse engineering these goals, I began to understand exactly what I wanted from my business and how I was going to get there. I no longer have the mindset of "wow, I hope I can keep my business afloat", but instead "I can and will achieve my dreams". I can't thank Kyle enough for the constant support and direction his course has given me."

DOUBLED her yearly income!

Lindsey | Edmonds, WA

[As a hair & makeup artist with a growing team], I needed more brides, I needed more resources to use to help me grow, and I needed to make more money. I needed guidance and I need a good motivating booty kick. So my husband said “well then what do you have to lose booking someone to help you achieve this?” The answer was nothing. Glad I took the leap and invested in myself in this wedding business online course. I get multiple leads a day now. It’s my passion and my new website and my new outlook on everything. I have already booked three quarters of my summer and it’s not even half-way through January. Kyle is incredibly knowledgeable and packed with tips, advice, and the best needed tough love. Glad I’m here.

Getting multiple leads a day!

Nina | Snohomish, WA

I'm only less than halfway through Kyle's wedding business course & workshop and it has already completely changed the way I view my business. He has provided so many helpful resources like email templates and worksheets. The best part about the course is that the mentoring/coaching doesn't stop! He's provided a group where you can ask all of the questions that come up either early or later on in your business. He continually challenges us and gives us information on what he is learning and implementing in his own business. I'm grateful for the community and the crazy amount of information he provided for me. You have to invest money to make it, and this course is already MORE THAN worth the investment. 

"More than worth the investment."

Meg | Abilene, TX

Kyle's online business program, Elevate, has become a cornerstone in the growth of our business. When we have questions we know we have Kyle plus the whole group to bounce ideas off of and then we see results once we implement them. This program has given us the confidence to continue to build our business to the next level. If I could say what the biggest take away has been after learning all that is offered is that our business has value and we can now work out of that mindset and continue to grow and serve our couples even better. He not only helped our wedding business - he helped our commercial business as well.

"A cornerstone in the growth of our business."

Justin | Videographer

Kyle is perfect if you're looking for coaching to help your business grow! I truly appreciate that his honest feedback is direct. It's exactly what I need. It helped me to grow and my business. Without Kyle's course, Book More Weddings, I would not be able to succeed in my business. All of his tools & lessons work. and they are the greatest resources that will benefit YOU! THANK YOU, KYLE! I love being an #ElevateInsider!

"Without Kyle's course, I would not be able to succeed."

Valerie | PLanner

I saw Kyle posting on Facebook and decided to reach out. I'm glad I did. His course lines out a clear path to booking more clients. Really takes a lot of the heavy lifting off of your plate. At the same time, he challenges you to be creative and really think about how you want to brand yourself whilst creating a pathway to do it. The facebook group (Elevate Insiders) has been an easy way to access information that would otherwise slow me down. The group provides easy solutions to common workflow issues, marketing etc. For a professional in the wedding industry, I would highly recommend utilizing all of the tools in this course and the priceless guidance and experience that Kyle brings. The return on investment is a no brainer. 

"Easy solutions... Priceless experience & guidance."

Matt | Photographer

Kyle's [Elevate] online program has totally shifted my perspective on how to run my business successfully. It has inspired me to take massive action with my social media strategy, increase my attention to detail with customer service and be more authentic with my clients. When I signed up for the program, my business had hit a dry spell and thanks to the techniques in this program, the ball is rolling again! Big things are happening!

"Big things are happening! ... It's totally shifted my perspective on how to run my business successfully"

Becca | Snohomish, WA

It has been nothing but helpful and is worth every penny. I’m very much a photographer and not a very good marketer and am not good at time management and Kyle’s course completely guides my path in that department!" "Even though all of us in the FB group are spread across the country/world, it feels like a community and no question is too outlandish! Kyle also works SO HARD to make the course the best it can be and revises it and adds lessons often." "We ask a lot of questions and either Kyle or someone in the group who’s already been there can answer you and offer feedback. Seriously so highly recommended!! I started the course in summer/fall of 2017 and 2018 was my most successful year I've been in business. Now in early 2019, the success is continuing! I still regularly refer back to Kyle's course to help guide me as my business grows. "

"Kyle's course was paid for after booking 1 wedding, and I've booked at least 30 weddings since then!" 

Kate | Atlanta, GA

I saw Kyle posting on Facebook and decided to reach out. I'm glad I did. His course lines out a clear path to booking more clients. Really takes a lot of the heavy lifting off of your plate. At the same time, he challenges you to be creative and really think about how you want to brand yourself whilst creating a pathway to do it. The facebook group (Elevate Insiders) has been an easy way to access information that would otherwise slow me down. The group provides easy solutions to common workflow issues, marketing etc. For a professional in the wedding industry, I would highly recommend utilizing all of the tools in this course and the priceless guidance and experience that Kyle brings. The return on investment is a no brainer. 

"Since purchasing the course, I have booked a ton more weddings and I booked them mostly through email!"

Chelsee | Mesa, AZ

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The Templates >

So when I finally wanted to pursue my hobby of photography professionally, it was a no-brainer that taking Kyle’s course was a must to ensure my business started on the right foot.

Kyle has really provided the most direct process for running my business successfully and efficiently. His comprehensive analysis of just my website alone has already provided amazing results for turning leads into paying clients. 

I’ve only just started the course but I am so excited for what other successes I’ll achieve with the rest of it. If Kyle’s course isn’t at the top of your list of To-Do’s for your wedding business, it should be! I’m so proud to call Kyle my business coach and I promise you will be too.

"Just started... & already [getting] amazing results... turning leads into paying clients."

Aika | Seattle, WA

Kyle has been instrumental to my growth as a business owner. Before him I had never worked with another photographer, gotten insight, feedback, constructive criticism, tricks of the trade. I've been professionally capturing weddings and portraits for 12 years.

It's been a truly invaluable experience. He hits the nail on the head every time. Working with Kyle has ignited a fire in me, he has pushed me to new levels. When I think I've done something good, he challenges me to make it better. He keeps me on task and is always present no matter what I need. His FB forum is an awesome community where my questions always get answers and helpful insight not only from Kyle but other industry pros. His 1:1's are fantastic and you can tell that he genuinely cares about our success. Do not expect magic over night, you have to be just as committed to do the work to see your results. But believe me when I say his course is 100% #worththeinvestment

Part-time to FULL-TIME!

Krysta | Niagara, ON

It has been two months since I began Kyle's course. In that time, I not only turned around my mindset from struggling and choosing to fail to growth orientated and improving my services.

Because of the lessons, I am actually able to take on even more work, be more productive during the time I work, and am attracting my ideal client. 

Without this course and the actions it has pushed me to take, I would have quit.

Instead, I'm thriving. 

Taking on more clients. More productive. Better mindset. Attracting her ideal clients. Thriving.

Emily | Marysville, WA

I have only completed section 3 [out of 10 sections], but I have gotten more business after implementing the content than I have during all of Engagement season!

So thankful for Kyle and excited to learn more! 

"More business after implementing..."

Rachel | Chicago, IL

I was on the fence for months but something kept bringing me back to Kyle and his course and I'm so glad it did. With the course I was able to go full-time straight from my Maternity leave. It gave me the push I needed to do what I always wanted.

Since joining I've raised my SEO, been featured on 5 different publications, my socials are thriving and I'm building my clientele. I have several clients for this year... It's all about taking action, following the course and not giving up on your dream. I  completely believe that this course can be for anyone in the wedding industry because I'm proof of that. I've been going now full time since October 2018 and it's been the best. Also the Facebook group is amazing for sharing your goals and getting feedback... The future is in the socials and let me tell you if this course brings you even one new client your golden for growth!

"I was able to go full-time straight from maternity leave!"

Amanda | Missassagua, ON
Custom Dress Designer

I’m now on page ONE of Google after taking Kyle’s course!

The only photographer above me is ALSO a member of Kyle’s course!

"Now on Page ONE of Google after taking Kyle's course!"

Jason | Little Rock, AR

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I feel relieved to have templates and workflows that I can implement into my business as well as a step by step manageable guide to help me improve brand awareness and trustworthiness.

It is already getting better and I have only been in the course for about four weeks.

"A step-by-step manageable guide"

Angela | Corpus Christi, TX

Booked 2 weddings within the first two weeks of the course after making simple changes to social media!

I can’t wait to see what happens as I implement more of Kyle’s awesome teachings!  

Exceeds a 5-star rating.

"Booked 2 weddings within the first 2 weeks" of joining!

Dawn | Prairieville, LA

I had a lead - the bride requested for wedding package afterwards. I started Kyle's program 1 month before that... I was in process revamping my website. The pricing guide mentioned in the course was helpful to make it clear and easy to follow. I think the Q & A answered many of their questions as well.

This couple booked me couple of days after our first phone call. I definitely believe this course has valuable material.  

"Now on Page ONE of Google after taking Kyle's course!"

Qian | Dunstable, MA

[Within the first couple of months], 3 couples have booked me, and last week was my first wedding as a planner. My Instagram account as grown by 400+ followers in 3 months (that’s A LOT for the Chilean market) and I’ve already earned $2.500. It might not seem much in dollars but in Chilean pesos that’s A LOT.

But the most important thing is that I’ve gotten into the wedding market. I’ve held meetings with 5 different types of vendors. Became a partner to a huge one and got invited to the most important wedding event for couples in Chile. My name is out there! Everybody that knows me knows about Kyle and how motivated I am with his course.

It has given me another purpose in life. 

"It has given me another purpose in life."

Gabriela | Santiago, Chile
Wedding Planner

I've taken a lot of courses and I know my way around business and marketing, but Kyle's course is the most informative that I have ever seen.

It is PACKED with great information and his continued personal and honest support is a rare gift that you won't find in other courses.

Kyle's one-on-one help is outstanding.

Honestly, I was hesitant because I knew I could figure it out over time. But the amount of work he did in just ONE hour, (plus the follow-up call afterward,) literally saved me WEEKS of me struggling to learn and do it myself.

I can't wait to launch my new website now!

"Kyle's course is the most informative that I have ever seen."

Juli | Hoquiam, WA

Kyle's program has added so much value to my company. Coming into 2019 we had no brides booked and no inquiries coming in. And [just within a few sections of the course], we have [made thousands] and a ton of information from Kyle and direct coaching that’s very helpful.

There isn’t a course like it, that spoon feeds you literally a wealth of knowledge... step-by-step.

"There isn't a course like it, that spoon fees you literally a wealth of knowledge, step-by-step."

Eddie | Philadelphia, pa
Studio Manager

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]The Elevate] program covers almost anything you need help on and it’s flippin’ insane how smart and helpful Kyle is.

I am now booked EVERY. WEEKEND. From June – August. 

[Regarding Google organic placement], I was always on Page 2 [FOR FOUR YEARS], 5th-7th line for results but after fixing my website based on the tips Kyle had in his program and in the VIP Group, I am now on PAGE 1!!!!

My marketing has gotten so much better being apart of this program. My confidence and how I email and talk to clients online and offline has changed. I work less for more money. If I don’t book a wedding, I look at the bright side that there are clients FOR me out there. I don’t care about the small things like low-ballers or price shoppers as I focus on getting my ideal clients for me…. And I am. Because Kyle shows you how to market YOURSELF to attract your IDEAL client. 

[The Elevate program] works and it is one of the best investments I have made.

"I work less for more money... I am now booked EVERY. WEEKEND."

Sarah | Guam

First of all, I would like to just say how amazing this program has been for my business.

At first like any program out there I was hesitate ... and then two weeks of applying his methods and not even through the course completely using his email templates and marketing skills - I was able to book two weddings without meeting the clients nor numerous phone calls or emails!

What I like about the program is any time that you feel one strategy isn't working he can go back and continue to watch the program again to use a different strategy to help you grow as a business. Not only is Kyle Goldie going to be there to help you through the whole process but there’s so many knowledgeable people in the Facebook VIP user Group that is willing to help you and teach you different things.

This is truly one big family that is always there for you no matter what time of day is.

"This is truly one big family that is always there for you, no matter what time of day it is."

Kyle | Palm Beach, FL

Buying Kyle's online course, Elevate, has been a total game changer for us.

Just by implementing his email templates that we implemented into our Honeybook CRM we saved hundreds of hours worth of work and been able to book through email only when we used to book weddings mostly through referrals, and over the phone. It's saved us a lot of hassle and research. It has worked from us in the beginning and immediately started to save us time and money.

We also were able to create a high converting website based on his templates and now are getting in leads through SEO just after implementing a couples months worth of blogging, basic keywording and more.

Kyle has literally poured his whole heart and soul into the advice, courses, and lessons...

Kyle is SO passionate about what he teaches. He also practices what he preaches on a daily basis! His community on Facebook has the kindest creatives I've ever seen and they are highly active and willing to communicate and be active on a daily basis.

He gives way more information then I've ever seen in an online course, and I've taken quite a few.

His info cuts down to the core, cuts out the fluff leads to actionable advice and once implemented, leads start to come in and you can work less while doing daily actionable items. But just like any other course or marketing advice, you won't see results without action! So I highly suggest buying Kyles courses, implement the action items, learn and grow, and then watch the bookings happen!

"We saved hundreds of hours worth of work."

Dan | Kaysville, UT

Seriously could rave about this course OVER + OVER AGAIN!!

Not only have I booked so many weddings and have received triple the amount of inquiries that I was getting, I am booking my DREAM clients.

After a month I was ringing in so many inquiries that I knew I had to set up all of my email responses ASAP, which has saved me so much time!! 

In April (one month in), I booked a DREAM client who is the Beauty Director for Refinery29. She doesn't even live in Dallas (lives in NYC at the HQ) but is getting married in Dallas. She came across me by looking up keywords and fell in love with my designs!

The process was so easy and didn't take much time that I was used to doing with prospects in my sales funnel.

I have now TRIPLED MY INCOME WITHIN 4 MONTHS and I am now getting inquiries for brides who have a budget for Floral Design that is $10,000!!



Elise | Dallas, TX

I am only halfway through the course, but in applying the things that I have learned so far, I have booked in $6,100!

Not only that, I booked these [clients] in just a few emails using the templates Kyle provided - no phone calls, no meetings, just super quick emails - and most of them were automated! One of these was even booked while on vacation!

By the time they reached me, they were already ready to book because I took the information Kyle gave about website copy, structure, and strategies, which made them fall in love with me on my website! 

"I booked [$6,100] in clients in just a few emails using the templates Kyle provides!"

Kayla | St. Louis, MO

Kyle's website audits have absolutely changed the game!

When I started the [Elevate] program, it was an option to purchase the website audits. Let me tell you, making that decision to purchase the audits was one of the best things I've ever done for my business this far.

Kyle goes above and beyond to comment on almost everything on your website, whether good or bad. No detail is left behind or overlooked. His advice is extremely helpful - he tells you exactly what needs to be improved on your website and how to do it.

After listening to Kyle's advice and implementing it, I feel amazing about my website. It is so nice to have that extra confidence of a stellar website when showing it to a potential client. I get an abundance of compliments on my website, too.

Thank you Kyle!! I couldn't have done it without your expertise and support. 

"Kyle's website audits have absolutely changed the game."

Samantha | Charleston, SC

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Before Kyle's course we were burning the candle at both ends, working full-time and doing wedding photography during our evenings and weekends. We struggled to feel traction in our ongoing efforts.

Since his course. we finally have clear direction in our business.

As a husband and wife team before Kyle, we were doing our best to make everything happen. With Kyle's step-by-step course, we finally have a guide to help us navigate which efforts are really important and have the greatest impact. Kyle has been the tipping point for us to finally build our dream business and family life.

Kyle is the experienced guide you need to finally achieve your business goals.

"Kyle is the experienced guide you need to finally achieve your business goals."

Dylan & Sandra | London, ON

I noticed dramatic results as soon as I started Kyle’s course. The change in mindset from small-time to high-end business was immediate.

Kyle’s advice helped me create a website that’s focused and professional, implement systems that have ensured leads are followed up consistently and build my brand. 

I am so much clearer on where I want my business to be, on what my big scary goals are and on where to focus my time, effort and money. 

I booked two large wedding cakes within weeks of starting Kyle’s course, which [made me thousands].

Kyle provides sound advice, tells it like it is, cares about his students and pushes us to reach for our big scary goals.

"I noticed dramatic results as soon as I started..."

Bridget | Wellington, NZ
Cake Artist

So far I have created a system to help me work smarter and faster that saves me loads of time. I also booked 3 weddings [really fast after] starting the course and I give 100% credit to Kyle’s email templates and creating a subdomain for my investment guide instead of a PDF! Basically, I haven’t even gone through the whole course, but I’m already seeing huge leaps in my business! 

Before starting the course I had 0 weddings booked for next year. I was getting nervous and I made the decision to purchase Kyle’s course to help me out. [Then I joined and quickly] booked 3 weddings, one of which is a destination wedding! That’s a huge difference and I only expect it to increase. The Facebook community has been great to fall back on and see that other people struggle with the same issues. There’s a huge support system to help you through all your problems you are having in your business! 

"You learn things that aren’t taught in any other courses!"

Catie | Mount Pleasant, SC

I'm not completely done with the course yet, but I have already seen an amazing improvement with converting my leads!! The email templates alone have saved me over 20 hours a month. Between those and redoing my website, most leads don't feel the need to meet anymore which saves me so much time that I can then put back into my business and actually spend time with family.

 A huge THANK YOU to Kyle for this course and helping next year be my best year in business so far!!

Before this course, I never had downtime to take a vacation or spend time with my family.

Now, I'm making more money, working less and actually spending time with family!

"Now, I'm making more money, working less and actually spending time with family!"

Elise | Dallas, TX

Anytime I have a question on something, if I can't find it having been already posted in the group, it gets answered, and answered well, within 24 hours. Usually it's Kyle himself answering those questions. Since starting the course 8 months ago, I've done everything from minor changes to a complete website overhaul as directed by the course. Even without having completely finished the course, I've consistently booked at least one extra wedding a month I know I wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

Not only that, but I get 3-5 inquiries for weddings per week. Now as I'm planning a move to a completely new market, the course has been there to help get everything situated so I can start booking in my new location.  I've been able to consistently keep my bank account above 10k, which in years past would have been a distant dream. 

The amount of support received here is completely unheard of! 

"I've been able to consistently keep my bank account above $10,000..."

Kayla | St. Louis, MO

Before starting Kyle's program I was spending hours trying to figure out how to communicate with clients and asking myself why potential clients were not getting back to me. The course has has helped me find the clients who I want to work with and will pay my desired rates.

I used to get frustrated with meeting clients, walking away asking myself and crossing my fingers that they would book me. I now leave meeting feeling confident and I've had a couple of situations where clients were ready to book me on the spot ready to sign and make deposits.

My first sale after implementing a few tweaks from the course came less then 30 days of enrolling.

Enroll in this course if you want to start booking more ideal clients and make more money!

"Kyle's website audits have absolutely changed the game."

Peter | Toronto, ON

Kate Lamb, Photographer | Atlanta, GA
"Within the first 3 months of the course, I booked an additional 15 weddings from what I learned. I love the course and how much Kyle supports us to succeed."

Jen Scott, Photographer | South Florida
"My business has drastically changed in 4 months, and I am now making twice as much as before! And I am working FEWER hours per week! I want you to have as much success as I have, and I think that you will."

Krysta Gorman, Photographer | Niagara, ON, Canada
"Kyle's course has been life changing. Seriously, life changing! I've cut the golden handcuffs, got my life back, I'm now making more than $10,000 a month, and every day I learn something new. If you are on the fence, stop it, get off the fence and do it today. You won't regret it. It's life changing."

Brian Hudson, Photographer | Southern California
"Kyle's course has been a lifesaver of my business. My leads are more solid, my bounce rate is down, my business is better. It's a no brainer. I wouldn't want to be a part of any other community. Rock on."

Elizabeth Borges, Photographer | Northern California
"Really quickly, I noticed a lot of results. I doubled my prices AND I have doubled my bookings. And that happened in just the first two months of enrolling into the course. There's no fluff and he just tells you how it is. And that's what really helped me. If you are on the fence, JUST DO IT. It will help your business. It will help yourself. It will help your family. We live more comfortably now. You will not regret it, I swear."

Andrew Roby, Planner | Washington DC
"After implementing what's in Kyle's program, we had a HUGE change in the inquiries we are getting. Inquiries from all over the world! We didn't see any of that prior to being a part of Kyle's program. I am encouraging you to take the leap and get those benefits that I am seeing for myself, right now."

Emily, Planner & Florist | Seattle, WA
"Before starting Kyle's course, I was about ready to quit... and now I am charging three times as much as I ever have, and I am able to work a third of the weddings and have more fun so I can spend more time at home with my kids and not feel so burned out. I've also saved about of my working time per week! I now enjoy what I'm doing again!

Amanda, Custom Bridal Designer | ON, Canada
I was on the fence. I have been in the course now for only 4 months and I've gone full time!" "It's really pushed my business to exactly where I want it to be." "If you are on the fence, I really guarantee that you are going to love it."

Book even ONE client and you can make THOUSANDS from what you learn (and take action on).

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Photo business mentorship

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