A popular template for family & motherhood portrait photographer. Simply just change the photos into your own and presto - gorgeous new website. Easy. And known to work very, very well.
The basic overall structure of the website and the SEO structure (header tags, paragraph tags, etc) are all done for you. No more extra H1-H3 tags on each page. (If you need extra help with SEO, I can help you).
The designs are very well thought out with one idea in mind - results. After all, a "pretty website" doesn't mean anything if it doesn't help convert website visitors into actual leads.
Easy to hit "publish" and have a new & Improved website & brand perceived value within hours, not days.
Over the years, I have bought and used a lot of website templates. And one thing I've noticed is that many of them still require a lot of customized tweaking. I don't want that for you. Simply change out the images to your own, add in your logo, customer reviews, social proof, and presto. New awesome website.
Time is Money.
These templates are all built with two things in mind.
1) To help you convert more of your website traffic into leads.
2) To help you save time. After all, time is the most valuable thing we have. These templates require VERY little customization. Just drop in your photos and create your own copy.