Do You Need a Privacy Policy for Your Website?

In short, yes. You do. You need a privacy policy on your website because you are collecting data. Learn why, and where you can get a great one today in order to help protect yourself and your business.

At the very least, you are collecting their name and email address. And if you are running Facebook ads, you most likely also have a Facebook pixel installed onto your website, which is collecting data on your website visitors automatically.

I could get into the technical mumbo-jumbo here about all the legal reasons why, but I will leave the technical stuff for the attorneys of the world and those who are more well-rounded in their education on this particular topic.

For an example of what I am referring to: check out these couple articles…


So, yes. You need one. And if you took the time to glance at those links, you will see that technical stuff I was talking about.

In short, I want you to be protecting yourself from a legal standpoint as much as you possibly can. And one way to strengthen your legal side to your business and to reduce potential liability is to have some well-written privacy policies on your site.

Now you might wonder — where on earth can you get an awesome privacy policy, right?

Well, as always – I have done that research for you. And here is what I recommend you check out (and purchase). And I won’t give you some long list of every available resource – but instead, give you two resources that I trust.

Either way, you can’t go wrong between those two.

Short story made even shorter – you need a privacy policy.

Get one. Use one. If you don’t have one already, it’s seriously important. Simply choose whichever you feel is the right fit between one of those two listed above. Yes, those are both affiliate links, but I really do believe in both products.

As always, please feel free to message me anytime with your questions. I am always here to help you in any way I can.

Learn where to get an amazing privacy policy for your website. Yes, I am talking to you whether you are a photographer, course creator, website designer, digital marketer, funnel builder, whatever. Get one.

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I help photographers (of all types) as well as educators (course creators, consultants & coaches) make more money, work fewer hours per week, and improve their work-life balance. All without ads.

If that sounds like something you're wanting for yourself and your business, check out how I can help.  What I offer is a blend between coursework, coaching, and done-for-you services.  I have all the options you could need. And, of course, if you ever want to see which is the right path for you or if you have any questions - just reach out to me using my Contact form on my website or simply schedule a free call with me.

I really am here to help.

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