The Best Free Fonts to Use on Canva

When you are creating social media content, it can feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day – am I right?  So, that’s why I created a list of what I consider to be amongst the 10 best FREE fonts to use on Canva.

Because who’s joking… there are about a billion fonts inside even the free version of Canva, and it can be like choosing a needle in a haystack, am I right?

That said, before choosing a font within Canva… I think you should choose one that is very very similar to the fonts that you use on your website.  After all, your branding consistency is so key. Especially if you are trying to attract higher budget clients.  But let’s just cut straight to it, shall we? After all, you’re here because you want to know the best free Canva fonts.

Here’s a quick list of the best fonts on Canva:

  • Bentham (serif)
  • Cardo (serif)
  • Catamaran Thin (sans serif)
  • Chunk Five (bold serif)
  • Cormorant
  • Intro (bold font)
  • Julius Sans One (sans serif)
  • Libre Baskerville
  • Lifelogo Easy
  • Marcellus
  • Montserrat
  • Muli Black
  • Ovo
  • Prata
  • Prompt Bold
  • Raleway
  • Quicksand Light


Let me know what you found! Would love to hear your favorites, or if you’d like to see any particular free Canva fonts added to this list.

This has been a super short blog post for me, but it took me awhile to cruise through every single font on your behalf to narrow it down to this short list! Hopefully it’s been helpful to you.

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