Not Having Time Is an Excuse: Strategies to Overcome this Roadblock

“I don’t have time.” What a crock. We all have 24 hours in a day. Therefore, quite literally, we all have the same amount of time. That is an irrefutable fact.

Where your time goes is up to you.

You are in full control of your life and your time.

Controversial enough for you yet?

Don’t worry, there are also solutions and other time management and productivity articles to help you overcome this common excuse here on my site to help you. All for $0.

Not having time is an excuse most of us have used to dodge a task, but let’s be honest, it’s often an easy way out. Telling ourselves that we don’t have the time to work on a project or pursue a dream – in essence, practicing self-deception – can end up stunting our personal and professional growth. This blog post is all about debunking the “not having time” myth and helping you realize your untapped potential that’s masked behind this age-old excuse.

Our lives are running at a frenetic pace, with countless responsibilities vying for our attention. And amidst this hustle, claiming not to have time can feel like immediate relief from an ever-growing to-do list. But isn’t saying “not having time is an excuse” something we’ve all been guilty of at some point? Imagine what we could achieve if we stopped hiding behind the veil of this excuse.

Again, we’re all given the same 24 hours a day. How we choose to use it defines whether “not having time” is a reality or just an excuse. As you delve deeper into this post, we’re sure you’ll be compelled to question the authenticity of the “not having time” narrative, and give your dreams the space and time they need to take shape and be realized. Embrace this enlightening journey of self-discovery with humor, assurance, and playful curiosity. The time to take control is now.



Key Takeaways About This BS Excuse “I don’t have time.”

  • Reading this article and taking it in with the true value behind it will require you to think about your life objectively – with absolutely zero emotion attached to it.
  • “Not having time is an excuse” is often used as a shield to hide behind, when in reality, it is a matter of prioritizing. You choose where to invest your time and effort, so it’s about making the time, not just finding it.
  • The misconception of “not having time is an excuse” must be debunked in order to reach optimum productivity. Instead of falling into this trap, successful individuals strategize their routines to ensure productivity is maximized.
  • Overcoming the mental barricade of “not having time is an excuse” propels one towards meaningful accomplishments. It’s all about altering our mindset and reevaluating our time management skills.
  • Analyzing the root cause of why we resort to saying “not having time is an excuse” can assist us in solving our productivity crisis. Once we start reflecting on our daily habits, the lack of time excuse would no longer seem valid.
  • Employing tactics like time blocking, Kanban boards or the Eisenhower Box can effectively debunk the “not having time is an excuse” mantra. By diligently organizing our schedule and distinguishing between urgent and important tasks, we can steer clear of the time-scarcity mindset.



Not Having Time is an Excuse: The Insidious Lie Obscuring Your Potential

In great spaces, both physical and mental, we gravitate towards creating barriers. Unseen walls we put up to isolate the vast emptiness, converting something infinite and unfathomable into manageable, bite-sized portions. One such construction that we often unknowingly indulge in is saying that we don’t have time.

Boldly cutting through surface chatter, let’s dive deeper into the implications of this fallacy. How it subtly yet persistently affects every decision we make and mires us into an inescapable pitfall of mediocrity.

After all, to live like the 1%, you need to do things that the 99% aren’t doing.

If you live like the 99%, you will have results like the 99%.


The Pretext of Priority Perception

Ever heard the saying, “If it matters to you, you’ll find time?” It’s a difficult pill to swallow, but when it comes to not having time, it’s mostly about priority and perception. We’ve all been guilty of this, haven’t we? The shifting of blame onto that intangible entity – time, for our shortcomings? In reality, it’s not the scarcity of time but the allocation of it that creates the pressure. The inaccessibility of the desired output isn’t the result of less time but rather inefficient usage of time. This is an instance of poor time management.

The assumption that you don’t have enough time is deceptive because it shifts the blame from lack of effort to an abstract entity. Appropriating time correctly can transform your life significantly. This is where efficient time management techniques come in handy.


You won’t ever “find time”. You must create & control your time.

If you catch yourself replying to someone with something like, “I’ll find time soon.”

No, you won’t.

Time doesn’t just magically appear. That’s why you are in the position you’re in. You aren’t controlling your time, setting boundaries, and creating your life with full intentional design.

This is your life. You have one life to live.

Now what are you going to do? Just wait for time to fall in your lap? Or are you going to take life by the horns and tell your life how you want it to be?

You are in control. No one else.

Take responsibility and you will see your life transform.


Transforming the Sands of Time into an Architectural Marvel

We tend to believe that being busy equates to being productive, which is a major misconception. For example, a busy person might spend hours working on unimportant tasks, while a productive person prioritizes critical tasks, thereby making efficient use of the available time.

Time-saving hacks are your best friend when it comes to managing your workload without burning out. Methods like the 80/20 rule, time blocking, and prioritization matrix can contribute towards effective time management, thus disproving the constantly parroted mantra of “not having time.”

For the record, I absolutely hate the “hustle” mentality.

Yes, work hard.

Yes, put in the time.

But do it with flow and balance. Create and control your time for joy as much as you create and control time for your work.


The Accountability Factor: A Missing Link in Time Usage

Speaking of accountability, the importance of this often-underestimated aspect cannot be overstressed. In this context, “not having time is an excuse” often masks our failure to take responsibility for our actions.

One can bridge this accountability gap by incorporating an accountability coach into the equation. An external perspective can provide objective feedback and point out recurrent patterns hindering progress. In such an accountability relationship, one can expect to gain clarity on priority tasks, improved time management skills, and high-level strategic thinking prowess.


A Constructive Approach to Time Excuses

It is crucial to understand that making excuses is a natural byproduct of fear. Fear of failure, fear of stepping out of the known boundaries, and fear of facing the harsh reality of our limitations. Thus, instead of letting the fear determine the course of your actions and creating the excuse of ‘not having time,’ embrace the fear and channel it towards fueling your drive towards success.


Destroy the Time Excuse: A Journey within the Self

The misconception of ‘not having time’ enshrouds the mind in a fog of denial, preventing us from recognizing our true potential. It masks procrastination, endorses fear, and impedes personal and professional growth.

You possess the power to orchestrate your time, or let it dictate your life’s symphony. And tearing down this façade of not having time is synonymous with embarking on a path towards self-improvement. The realization that “not having time is an excuse” can lead to significant personal breakthroughs, catalyzing mental, emotional, and professional growth.

Finally, stripping away the “not having time” excuse from your life is like undertaking a mental decluttering exercise. It might appear overwhelming at first, but it imparts a liberating feeling once you conquer this intimidating hurdle.

Thus, insidious as it may be, “not having time is an excuse” is an excuse that can and should be overcome. Embrace time as a friend rather than an adversary; learn to manipulate this malleable entity into a ladder, climbing one rung at a time towards the pinnacle of success. Quit using time as your scapegoat; instead, gear it as your chariot steering towards unparalleled achievement.



In essence, the narrative that “not having time is an excuse” is just a veil we put over our deepest, most personal priorities. Recognizing these priorities and actively choosing to let them shape our daily agendas may feel scary or uncomfortable. Yet, the truth of the matter is, everything else becomes an excuse, a distraction from what truly matters. When you confidently choose the most meaningful tasks over menial busywork, you’re not just managing your time better. You’re redefining your life’s narrative, reversing the conventional plea of “not having time is an excuse”.

Read this article: Poor Time Management Examples and How to Avoid Them

In the work-frenzied culture we’re living in, it’s almost fashionable to be constantly “busy”, yet not productive. Juggling multiple tasks, responding to every ping, and wearing the badge of busyness like a modern-day martyrdom seems obligatory. But, at the end of the day, we only push away our real goals saying “not having time is an excuse”. Stop! It’s time to take control, prune the superfluous tasks and, remember: you set the clock. It’s your time, and yours alone.

On a playful note, consider this: how often have we whined “there just isn’t enough time”? Funny, isn’t it, considering we have the same 24 hours as Beyoncé! Let’s get one thing straight – we do have the time. It’s about choosing the right things to occupy that time. So stop using the phrase “not having time is an excuse” as an escape. Define your priorities, master the art of saying no, and ruthlessly safeguard your time for things that truly matter.

As Mark Twain once said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started”.



FAQs About This Constant Rhetoric Over Not “Having Time”

Q: What does “not having time is an excuse” mean?

A: When we say “not having time is an excuse,” we are suggesting that the problem is typically not a lack of time but how we choose to allocate it. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, and it’s up to us to decide how to use them productively.


Q: Why is “not having time is an excuse” often used?

A: The phrase “not having time is an excuse” is commonly used because it calls attention to the fact that we often mask our priorities and decisions behind the veil of “not having enough time.”


Q: How can we overcome the notion of “not having time is an excuse”?

A: Overcoming the “not having time is an excuse” mindset involves drilling down into your actual priorities and managing time accordingly. This could mean planning your day effectively, setting realistic goals, and maintaining focus on task completion. It could also mean asking for help with childcare (free or paid), and setting pride to the side and asking more questions to professionals with experience in the time management realm.

If you’re a photographer, I can help you with your time management (and help you spend more time with your family) through my photography business mentorship program.


Q: How is “not having time is an excuse” relevant in the professional world?

A: In the professional world, “not having time is an excuse” relates to the idea of personal productivity and effective time management. Employers value employees who can manage their time effectively over those who constantly struggle with deadlines and responsibilities.

It is also applicable to those who work for themselves with zero employees (or just a small few) and get caught up in “busy work” and not just their primary money-making activities. Many of these working entrepreneurs get stuck in bad habits, bad self-care, and poor boundary setting. Learn how to say no.


Q: Is the statement “not having time is an excuse” always true?

A: While the saying “not having time is an excuse” often holds true, it’s important to remember that people do have varying responsibilities, demands and crisis situations to handle. Sometimes, the feeling of not having time is a genuine reflection of a heavy workload or other personal hardships.

Sometimes, your reasons are completely valid. Sometimes emergencies do happen and those do take time away from your business – and rightfully so.

That said, you need to realize that YOU are not your business. Your business is not a human. You can choose to outsource tasks to experts in their chosen fields, train staff (if you have them), and/or at least schedule and automate tasks within your business while YOU are away.


Q: What’s the psychological perspective on “not having time is an excuse”?

A: From a psychological perspective, “not having time is an excuse” can be a defense mechanism, an excuse to prevent confronting tasks or situations that may be emotionally uncomfortable, or just a misperception of time passing.

Most often when I am coaching clients in a variety of different industries, the defense mechanism is the most common one that pops up.

What I say to them is that their time is there, they are just prioritizing their time with other things — which is 100% okay. They just need to realize where their priorities are. When they do fully realize what their true priorities are, most of my coaching clients become less hard on themselves, and they find more of their groove – all while improving their mental health.

Those that cannot accept that they have their chosen priorities in front of the conversation of “I don’t have time to do ____ in my business because of ____”… those are the people/business owners that get stuck and remain stuck.

When you talk to a coach that has many years of time management expertise behind them, listen to them.

Drop your pride, drop your ego, and very simply ask questions like:

  • “What do I need to do to be more efficient with my time?”
  • “I have kids and homeschool all of them. What should my schedule/routine be?”
  • “I’m not sure what questions to ask, but I am feeling stuck with my time and energy. What questions should I ask to solve that and improve those areas of my life”

^^^ That last one is an incredibly strategic and very intelligent question, especially when you don’t know what questions you ask. You just need to be asking questions to the right people.


Q: How is the concept of “not having time is an excuse” relevant to morale and motivation?

A: Understanding the truth behind “not having time is an excuse” is key to boosting morale and motivation. Recognizing that we have control over our time can embolden us, increasing motivation and instilling a sense of autonomy.


Q: Does the phrase “not having time is an excuse” only apply to work-related matters?

A: No, the term “not having time is an excuse” is not just for work-related things. It is also applicable for personal habits, lifestyle, and wellness. It all comes down to priorities and time management.


Q: How can I challenge myself when I catch myself stating “not having time is an excuse”?

A: When you catch yourself saying, “not having time is an excuse,” it might be worthwhile to pause and ask yourself some probing questions – What are my real priorities? How am I actually using my time? Could I be spending it more wisely or productively? This self-reflection can help you align your actions better with your priorities.

If your priorities are your kids in that moment and not your business – great! Stop being hard on yourself and spend time with your kids. Family time will always come first in my world.

That said, your kids need a roof over their head and food on the table – and equally the lifestyle that you want to give them. So, what are you going to do to generate the additional business for your children that you love so much?

This is the balance that I am referring to, and the importance of controlling that calendar of yours with full and absolute intention.

Look at your life objectively and see growth.

Remain stubborn with a fixed mindset of “well, this is just how it is” and see no growth.

It’s ultimately your call.

Just don’t be hard on yourself with whatever answers and decisions you make. There’s no wrong answer. You just need to be real with yourself to know your true priorities.


Q: Should I outsource tasks when I truly don’t have time?

A: Absolutely! You answered your own question by even asking that.


If you are wanting to improve your time management skills, check out these other helpful related articles on my site:



Source Credits: Entrepreneur, Lifehack, Forbes, SmallBizTrends, BusinessInsider, JamesClear

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