Here, you'll find a lot of free content wrapped around SEO, marketing, social media, entrepreneurship, and all the things in relation to building a small business.

This blog might include affiliate links to third party products and I may receive a commission if you buy through my links. I want you to know I fully believe in everything I recommend - so, you're in good hands. Let's hop into it!

I’m Kyle! business & SEO consultant, web designer, Husband, son, brother, traveler, photographer, podcaster & Calvin & Hobbes fan since '85.





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I get it. You want to get into online education. You know; courses, coaching, masterminds, summits, digital resources, and all that jazz. The things you see the influencers in your industry doing, and claiming it’s a great way to make passive income. Well, as an online educator myself, I’m here to shake things up (as […]

The REAL, Ugly, Honest Truth About Online Education, Coaching & Courses

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Let’s start off by saying this. This article is going to be controversial, but these are my real thoughts on the subject. Especially after spending a lot of money on ads both myself, and with the help of hiring out to professional Facebook™ ads agencies over the years. This article, in particular, is going to […]

Can Facebook™ Ads Truly Create High-Quality Leads for Wedding Photographers?

How i Can Personally Help you

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Showit Websites

Showit website templates, and custom website optimization sessions that are designed for both conversion and SEO.

Signature Lightroom Preset Pack

Quite possibly the last pack you'll ever need. These took me more than 12 years to refine.

Photography Business Mastermind

SEO, sales, website conversion, systems, automation, client communication, time management, and way more. Get my personal help directing you... step-by-step with full clarity, accountability, and with strategy that helps get you more bookings, more profit, and more time back with your family.